Well Friends, As per our current lifestyle and food habits Obesity is a major factor which is increasing day by day, that might you have noticed it in surrounding us, Some of are taking it very seriously and working on that and some of is being lazy to find them self fit, Here I would like to share some morning drinks which may help you to lose your weight and make you fit and healthier.
as far as there is no way or short cut until you start to work on that, as per the research 70% diet and 30% Work out is the help to lose major Weight, so Why don’t we start with our Healthy diet and make ourselves healthy and fit?
Note – That all drink you should take with empty stomach in the Morning .this will help you more to lose fat.
Coriander and lemon Drinks :
Yes, Guys, you have read right, Coriander helps a lot to burn a fat, it has a help to improve digestion system, and eliminates of heavy Mattel and toxins, coriander is a good source of fiber, Aryan minerals, and vitamins A, C and k too, it is also useful for a diabetic patients its also improve vision, Take 3 to 4 stalks of Coriander , chopped it well and Grind it in mixer after done Add a one half piece of lemon juice which help to purify a blood control and high blood pressure,and also help in dizziness and add a one half glass of warm water it’s a good to maintain healthy metabolism, your Fat burn Drink is ready now, which will help reduce some kilos.
Cinnamon, Lemon and Honey Drink
Cinnamon is a good element to lose fat especially belly fat, it’s a good supplement for the problem like a diabetic, digestive problem. It also helps to treat fungal infection and prevent cancer, help in control sugar level, it’s a content of Cholesterol which helps in depression and maintains your hormone Balance, it is also good for PCOD problem, which will help in regular periods.
Take some Cinnamon and grind it in a mixer as like powder, add One tablespoon, Honey, Its is a rich in Antioxidants and maintain sugar level, also help to improve Cholesterol. Add One half Lemon juice mix it well together with one glass of warm water and your drink is ready.
Cumin, Ginger and Lemon Drink
This Drink remedy will also helpful for who has just delivered a baby, Take a Tablespoon Cumin seeds, it’s a help to digestion power, acidity bloating reducing and increasing immunity power also improve the skin. Take a half slices of ginger which will increase metabolism rate and reduce to belly fat fast. Take one-half slices of lemon which is full content of vitamin c and help to remove the toxin from the body. Take a one or two glass of water and make it boil it will Cumin seed for 3 to 4 minutes until it warm, add a juice of ginger and lemon and mix it well together if you like you can add honey as well, now your weight loss drink is ready.
Chia seeds with Lemon
Chia seed with lemon detox drink will help to burn fat, it is a powerful drink will help to accelerate metabolic rate, flushes out bad toxins and cleans your body well, take a half lemon juice which is full of vitamin C and help to digestive power, Take a one tablespoon of Chia seed, which will easily available in grocery store, add in warm water and stir it and mixed it well together, your drink is ready. they have a good source of fiber, Aryan, calcium, magnesium, copper and sink if you want you can sock it overnight when It socked it has In a gelatin coating form around the seeds, its keep you feel fuller for a longer time and help you to lose your weight.
Lauki(Bottle Gourd) Juice with lemon
Bottle gourd which is known by in Gujarati “Dudhi” in Hindi “lauki’ . It’s a Vegetable which we can use it to make so many verities but along with that it’s so much useful for losing a weight it’s a 96% contains water, it’s a very affordable and easily available in the market in all season, especially its help in winter, it has a good amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Sodium, iron and Potassium, it helps to maintain fat and cholesterol level, good antioxidant drink which helps to healthy functioning in the body.
Take a one small Lauki and peel it off, add some water, blend it properly in mixer add and Lemon, mint juice for taste. Stir it well. Your Drink is ready.
Mint, Lemon, Cucumber and Ginger Detox waterTake a 3 to 4 stalk for Mints, it's improved a metabolism, skin glow and reduces heartburn issue. Take some slices of Cucumber, it will keep you hydrated all time it has a good amount of vitamin C, K, Potassium, and magnesium. Add a slice of ginger, it has an antioxidant and helps to improve cholesterol level. Add some slices of Lemon which is also helping to hydrate and with the source of Vitamin C. Take one bottle or jar of warm water mixed it all above ingredient and keep it overnight, drink it a for a whole day. Your drink is ready. FOR MORE RECIPE OF DETOX WATER CLICK HERE-https://beautwist.blogspot.com/2019/01/benefit-is-detox-water.html.It will give you a very refreshing taste, after sock overnight. Make sure use the fresh ingredient to make your drink. To know more read this blog.
Thanks for these weight loss recipes. It's very helpful.
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ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing useful tips