Who doesn’t like to look beautiful and confident all the time ?? obviously we all want to be, to go for work, to go to college, to go in function or party, or anywhere, while we get attention from people and complement it will makes you more confident so friends, I have some tips and ideas where you can follow and look good and confident.

best way to look good and confident

To smile –

Where it's not necessary we know to everyone in the party or office, but when we met the people who are unknown, just take a pose for a second a give a smile, When you see people go a long way toward giving yourself a more pleasing appearance. A smile can improve your mood and make you feel positive.

Know your style

best way to look good and confident

It’s very important to know that which kind of style suits on you, for that select a style as per your personality, as well as do some research on google, Pinterest, like which color in suits on you, which pattern, print  and once you know your style, you will feel confident automatically because you will know that  you are wearing which is so comfortable in and try to do experiment with yourself, but don’t buy from something out of your comfort zone,  your style will define your personality so guys make sure grab those styles and stick to it in that you feel comfortable and chic. 

Create your Look book

best way to look good and confident

Also, need to know your body type choose the appearance according to your body type. Do some research on it which type of style, which colors, prints suits on you, so wear those style of clothes where you feel good and really confident, automatically you will get the boost in confidence.

I don’t have Nothing to wear. This is a very common dialog of girls. For that, I have some idea for you which will save you time and money as well. Take time off in once in a week, check your word robe and prepare some pair of dresses in advance which you want to wear for a week. Try to make a good combination pair and take a picture of outfits. By that, you will get to know which type of clothing you need to buy. By this way, you will save your time to get in ready and save money to do from mindless shopping, because of its happening so many time we are not looking at our word robe which type of clothing we have and not. By this, we have some idea which clothes need to add in our word robe. For sure girls, once you know what you have to wear,  it will save you lots of time. So try it on Sunday or whenever you have time to plan your outfit in advance.

Give Attention to your nails

best way to look good and confident

To look beautiful we always take care of appearance and face but not that much-giving attention to nails, which is very important and effective as well in our daily lifestyle. If you are not a fan of nails colors or don’t like to apply nail polish then at least apply a clear or transparent Nail paint, in this way your nails will look manicured. 

Make your Hair

Next, to take care of hair, set your hair well and tie up good hairstyle according to your profession, it's very important to create a good impact on your style.

Smell Good

best way to look good and confident

Before going out should wear a light perfume according to your choice, on neck or hand. It’s very important to smell nice by this  you will feel confident these small things will really help to make you feel good and confident al the time.

To Stay Healthy

best way to look good and confident

This is a very important part of our life to do exercise, eat healthy and take care of your body. If you want to feel confident to stay healthy and fit,  give a 15 to 20minute time to your body and work on it. make a morning or evening schedule for some exercise which will help you make a fit and all time feel fresh, as per my opinion morning exercise like to run, to go to the gym or do exercise at home and some kind of physical activity is really important for the body. It will work best by this you will get energies for the whole day.

best way to look good and confident

I strongly believe in that, If possible avoid eating junk food, it’s may happen with you also while having junk food or unhealthy you might feel guilty and feel bad about it and that sort things give insecurity and not feel confident about yourself.  So it's important to eat Healthy and the right food. Look before you eat what you eat. if you want to eat you can have in a month at once, it will not only make you fit it also helps to make you confident and feel good about yourself . if possible indulge yourself in physical activity and eat right.

Groom yourself

How to look good and confident,best way to look good and confident

To wear a makeup which help to make you more beautiful, but to use more its also not safe for your skin, try a day or two of being makeup free, you may find out that you actually look better when your skin has a chance to breathe, so possible do a light make up, if you like just wear a good color of lipstick, which will help you look confident so try and find a color which suits in you. It will make your mood and make you confident.

Avoid to Haters                                             

To live happy and feel good stay away fromto  haters, if possible give a compliment to them, whether anybody have done wrong with you or make you hurt just compliment them, in this way not only other will happy, you will also feel  happy and confident, it’s will give positive energy to you and other as well, so try to spread love and positivity around yourself.

Hope you like my this blog, which tips you are following from this? let me know in the comment 

 TO read more blog..

HOW to Style Denim jacket In Different Ways

 How To Hide your belly fat and Look, stylist,

 5 An effective workout for Belly Fat

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this quality information with us. I really enjoyed reading.



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